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Dear Families and Friends,

This is the MC Squared -- the Experimentory's weekly summer newsletter to parents and families. Each Tuesday we'll send you a program-in-a-nutshell update touching on what's happening on campus and what we have coming next. 

Our first two days together have been great! The students are already diving into class projects -- for example an illuminated ID tag that tells a personal story or revising a scene from a Harry Potter film. But Week One is all about social discovery almost as much as introducing the cluster subjects. Our Exp17 students are quickly breezing through basics like names and moving on to discovering those bonding similarities and enriching differences. We've had some of those normal homesick moments, of course, but our Proctors and students alike are rising to the occasion and supporting each other. We couldn't be happier.

Be sure to follow our media feeds for daily updates! And if you have any questions, remember we are only an email or phone call away.

Think Creatively,

Jill Schaffer, 
Experimentory Director


Mr. Correa shows a video of the Deerfield River
Film Teacher Mr. Correa introduces himself to students and parents during a Registration Day Tour.






The Week One Scoop

  • Tuesday: Our first All X Meeting! 
  • Wednesday: Field Trip to Morse Hill Ropes Course
  • Friday Night: Candle Pin Bowling
  • This Weekend: Hike to the Rock, Six Flags, and more! 




Seventh grader Maddalena practices public speaking in the DA Acting Lab

Communications: Maddalena's imaginary character makes the best friend... but you'll have to ask Clarence to find out why.


Some Helpful Reminders

  • First Call Home: Students' first opportunity to call home is this Friday at 6pm! We leave for bowling at 7:00PM EST, so this first one will be quick.
  • First Regularly Scheduled Call: Sunday at 8:30PM EST
  • To Mail Letters and Care Packages: 
    Address mail to:

    [Student Name]
    The Experimentory at Deerfield Academy
    7 Boyden Lane
    PO Box 87
    Deerfield, MA  01342
  • Allergy Alert: We have a student with a severe peanut allergy, so please do not send any food or snacks that contain or "may contain" peanuts.

Architecture + Culture: Ms. Insuik poses with her Cluster 2 class in the North Fields (more)

 Cluster Dispatches

  • Architecture + Culture:  A walking tour of Historic Deerfield in preparation for designing a Deerfield House.
  • Music + Film: Learning the rhudiments of music and film through a Harry Potter re-shoot. (Take a peek here.)
  • Theater + Electronics:  Telling your story through Chibi-tronics Identity Tags. (Here are some Experimentors at work.)
  • Communications: Activity: Be my (Imaginary) Friend. Setting personal speaking goals

Hungry for More?

The MC Squared is an overview of how your Experimentors have been maximizing their creativity and character. If this has whet your appetite, check out our other media!


Parents of our current students are automatically signed up to receive the MC Squared each week -- but grandparents, siblings, aunts, uncles, friends, and neighbors are also welcome to sign up! Forward this email to anyone you think might be interested -- and they can subscribe themselves here:

Sign Up for MC Squared